
회사 소개

니비나에 오신 것을 환영합니다


니비나(주)는 2015년에 설립된 한국의 자본 투자 회사로, 제조 공장용 산업용 측정 장비 공급 분야를 운영하고 있습니다. 베트남 산업은 기술 개발 과정에 있으며 새로운 기술과 현대 장비를 생산에 적용해야 합니다. 열정적이고 전문적이며 산업 장비 공급 및 설치 경험이 풍부한 직원과 함께 Nivina Co., LTD는 고객에게 최고의 장비와 서비스를 제공하기를 희망합니다.


Nivina는 현재 다음과 같은 세계적으로 유명한 장비 및 측정 솔루션 제조업체의 공식 유통업체이자 전략적 거래 파트너입니다.

  • NIKON – Microscopes
  • HIOKI – Electronic Instruments
  • DRUCK – Pressure Gauge Instruments
  • COXEM – SEM, STEM Measuring Instruments
  • THERMOFISHER – Lab Chemicals




NI VINA is always aware of the mission of satisfying customers with the best quality products along with perfect customer care services. 


NI VINA upholds the spirit of cooperation for mutual development, increasing attractive investment values and lasting. 


NI VINA considers the human factor as the core factor to create company’s value. A professional, dynamic and creative workplace that is always focused. 


Harmonizing business benefits with social benefits, actively contributing to community-oriented activities for the goal of "Perfection".

NIVINA Co.,LTD aims to become a reliable distributor with leading quality, prestige and customer service in Vietnam.

Establish close, sustainable and reliable relationships with customers.


Professional service and value assurance for customers.


Always strive in work to bring customers high quality products and services with the most reasonable price.

For customers: Devoted to customers and always strive to best meet the needs and expectations of customers.


Professionalism: Constantly researching and developing, diversifying services and products, promptly providing the market with quality, perfect and cost-effective products to better meet the needs of the market and customers.


Human resources: are assets and potentials of the company. Promote business ethics, always cooperate, open and be hospitable with customers.

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