NIKON Inspection Microscopes Large table (up to 300mm)

NIKON Inspection Microscopes Large table (up to 300mm)
Model: ECLIPSE L300N / L300ND
Brand: Nikon
Origin: Japan
Advanced Semiconductor Microscopes for Inspecting the Latest Fabrications
Superb Nikon CFI60-2 optics provide excellent images to both eyepieces and also to Nikon’s digital imaging cameras with analysis software. Combining these superior optics with an extraordinary illumination system delivers images of excellent contrast and resolution.
Nikon ECLIPSE L300N(D) and L200N(D)
These microscopes are for exceptionally precise optical inspection of wafers (200mm for L200N series and 300mm for L300N series), reticules and other substrates.
Nikon CFI60-2 Optical Series
Nikon’s innovative design enables clear imaging techniques, including high contrast, brightfield, darkfield, polarisation (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC) and double beam interferometry optical contrast.
Nikon Digital Sight Cameras
The full range of Nikon’s Digital Sight cameras efficiently captures images of a sample and deliver them to the image processing software of the NIS-Elements suite, together with microscope data on the objective lens used, magnification setting and light intensity.
Integration of L200N and Wafer Loader NWL200
Nikon wafer loaders are well accepted and trusted in the semiconductor industry and many installations are in use today.
Product Highlights
Nikon CFI60-2 Optical Series
Nikon’s innovative design enables clear imaging techniques, including high-contrast, brightfield, darkfield, polarization (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC) and double beam interferometry optical contrast.
Universal Optical Contrast Methods
Reflected light: brightfield, darkfield, polarising (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC), epi-fluorescence and two-beam interferometry.
Transmitted light: brightfield, darkfield, polarising, differential interference contrast and phase contrast.
Intelligent Digital Communication
The microscope detects and controls the objective lens in use, light intensity, episcopic illumination and aperture via a USB connection to Nikon’s NIS-Elements software.
Ergonomic Design Concept
Optimal positioning of operator controls with variable angle eye-tube allows fatigue-free work.
A right-way-up, right-way-around image is provided for correctly observing raw materials, semiconductors and industrial components.
Nikon ECLIPSE L300N(D) and L200N(D)
These microscopes are for exceptionally precise optical inspection of wafers (200mm for L200N series and 300mm for L300N series), reticules and other substrates.
Nikon CFI60-2 Optical Series
Nikon’s innovative design enables clear imaging techniques, including high contrast, brightfield, darkfield, polarisation (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC) and double beam interferometry optical contrast.
Nikon Digital Sight Cameras
The full range of Nikon’s Digital Sight cameras efficiently captures images of a sample and deliver them to the image processing software of the NIS-Elements suite, together with microscope data on the objective lens used, magnification setting and light intensity.
Integration of L200N and Wafer Loader NWL200
Nikon wafer loaders are well accepted and trusted in the semiconductor industry and many installations are in use today.
Product Highlights
Nikon CFI60-2 Optical Series
Nikon’s innovative design enables clear imaging techniques, including high-contrast, brightfield, darkfield, polarization (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC) and double beam interferometry optical contrast.
Universal Optical Contrast Methods
Reflected light: brightfield, darkfield, polarising (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC), epi-fluorescence and two-beam interferometry.
Transmitted light: brightfield, darkfield, polarising, differential interference contrast and phase contrast.
Intelligent Digital Communication
The microscope detects and controls the objective lens in use, light intensity, episcopic illumination and aperture via a USB connection to Nikon’s NIS-Elements software.
Ergonomic Design Concept
Optimal positioning of operator controls with variable angle eye-tube allows fatigue-free work.
A right-way-up, right-way-around image is provided for correctly observing raw materials, semiconductors and industrial components.